We went all out on the decorations too:
Here is a cobwebbed corner in our living room. Spooky right? This may look effortless... but it took approximately 45 minutes of agonized discussion to get it exactly right. When it comes to party decorations, my mom is a micro-perfectionist. Is that a term? Does it mean "someone who cares even about the most minuscule details?" Because that's her. But I helped! I provided moral support from the chair across the room.
Also, please note the skeleton victim hanging upside down in the corner. That's what happened to the last person who wandered into the spiders' web.....
This is our balcony graveyard.
Well Ok, it might not look spooky BRIGHTLY LIT, but it all came together when night fell and we turned down all the lights and lit up a bunch of candles. You wouldn't know this because absolutely the only camera I have in the world my iPhone, which is pretty much useless after dark.
My family came up with the idea to throw a Halloween Party about a month ago, on a whim. My family's annual Halloween Party used to be a pretty big deal when I was a kid (and before I was born), but we hadn't kept up with the tradition in 10+ years. Over dinner one night my mom says, "Hey! Wouldn't it be fun if we brought back our blow-out, costumed-up, Halloween Bash For the Ages!?" And the next we knew, she was getting out a pad of paper and a pen, making a list of everyone in the world we knew who might come.
Aaannd that was the last night that the Halloween party seemed like a good idea.
What followed was an entire month of nerve-wrecked anxiety. We waiting impatiently for RSVPs, we wondered (read: with extreme anxiety) if we would get enough people to have it be a grand, un-awkward time. We wondered if we were going to over-do-it or under-do-it on the food. We wondered if we were cool and if anyone even liked us at all SNIFF. The women in my family are expert worry-ers on your average Tuesday. Give us something with a minor level of stress attached and we are in the throes of unstoppable panic.
I held it together pretty well until about an hour before the party when I pretty much almost died from an attack of nerves. Thankfully Brian, our party supervisor, was there to reassure me every five minutes. I'd be all, "Brian... WHAT IF NO ONE COMES?!?!?!??!?!" and he'd be all, "Jane, if no one comes... then you and I and your parents will play charades in the living room and it will be a grand old time." Rinse. Repeat. More times than I can openly admit without shame.
I'm also embarrassed to admit that at one point, I started hoping we would get to play charades.
The party was set to start at 8PM. The very worst ten minutes of my life began at 7:50PM. I hate that awkward moment when the first guests arrive and it's all "hehe, hey, hehe, welcome to our, uhh... party. At least it will be a party... we hope. PLEASE HAVE A DRINK."
I'm not kidding when I say I almost had to hide out in my room, under my covers in the fetal position, for the first half hour.
But for real, in all actuality, the party turned out to be a blast. Better than I would have hoped. According to Brian at least 115 people showed up. This must mean that my family is officially cool!! People like us! I'm not saying this to brag or anything, except partially I am. But only because I was so worried.
Also, I was most impressed with the commitment to costume wearing. People (adults!) came in some of the best costumes I have ever seen. And, not gonna lie, my costume was pretty awesome as well. I was a medieval princess, and my costume was built professionally by a professional costumer. Also known as my boyfriend's mom. Also, in keeping with my Medieval costume I conveniently got to go barefoot all night.. except this turned out to be a terrible idea as I kept stepping in... something sticky. Gross.
Here is me, wearing my costume. You would totally believe I was from the medieval period in this digital photo if I wasn't holding an iPhone... but whatever. Also you can't really tell from this picture but behind me? That party is raging.
We might even do it again next year.