Monday, November 12, 2012


I am not a very good 23 year old. Or a very good city girl. I don't care much for fashion (which I've mentioned before), but even more than that, I don't care much for partying.

I think there was a point in my life (Mmm around High School) when I understood the allure of "clubbing," but that time has long since passed me by. At the risk of sounding much older than I am, here are all the problems I have with the club scene:

1. Holy Expensive.
2. I'm deaf now.
3. I'm sorry, what? I can't hear you. Because I'm deaf now.
4. I really need to be drunk to enjoy this... but I can't afford it.
6. Seriously, I need to create a bubble around myself so that guys don't misunderstand my awesome dance moves as an indication that I might want to dance with them.
7. Bouncers are assholes on a power trip who really want you to RESPECT THEIR AUTHORITY.
8. Is it just me or does the ratio of girls to guys tend to be around 3:1?
9. And it seems that the ratio of hot girls to hot guys is 3:0.
10. Oh. It's because the bouncer is in control of who gets into the club and he's a guy. Yeah. This is all pretty disappointing for girls.
11. Dancing is fun?
12. What am I missing here?

I know that some people think "clubbing" is a great time -- mostly because I'm related to one of those people. Yesterday she reserved the VIP table at one of the coolest new clubs in town, Bounce. At 4pm on a Sunday afternoon, that place was.... Well, it was bouncing. Yes I did just make that joke. But seriously -- who parties on a Sunday afternoon? By the looks of it, hundreds of people do. I asked my boyfriend about this and he said, "If you're going to party on Sunday, the afternoon is the way to go. That way you can be home by 9 or 10 and in bed in time for work the next day." He is obviously an expert on the subject.

Well, OK, I guess that makes sense... If you love to party and are desperate to squeeze it in, even on Sunday. But at the risk of sounding about 100 years older than I am, here is the itinerary of my ideal weekend:

1. Wake up late.
2. Eat breakfast.
3. Take a nap.
4. Take a bath.
5. Sit around.
6. Dinner time!
7. Television.

As you can see, I really like to live on the edge.

It's funny to me that, for some, partying is relaxing and a stress reliever. To me, partying is a stress and relaxing is hanging out in my bed with a good book. But even so, I like to consider myself a "fun" person, and I know that partying is the quintessential "fun" thing to do. So I made a point to go to Bounce with my cousins yesterday. I squished myself into the crowd, I let the music deafen me, I danced. After all, I am 23. This is my moment.

And you know what? It wasn't all bad. I guess I could do it again... Once. Or twice. But only after I've gotten my full hearing back, because I'm still waiting on that one.

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