... Not.
I know I haven't written much this month. I feel bad about it. But nothing I've been thinking about recently has been remotely in the light and humorous nature of my blog, in fact quite the opposite.
For the past four days my mind has been consumed with the incident at Sandy Hook Elementary. The murder of 20 children and 6 adults.
I don't have anything to say about this, really, except that I'm sad. I keep thinking of the 20 sets of parents in the moment when they learned they lost their child. Then I keep choking. Merely imagining what they're going through makes me feel literally out of control with anguish and grief, and the reality can only possibly be worse.
The strange thing is that my life will go on. Already today my chest hurts a little less than it did on Friday. This grief didn't happen to me, and as a result it probably won't weigh that heavily on my life. That's just the nature of the beast.
I feel sad about this too.
There are families for whom that simply is not true. They will never move on. They will always carry this with them, heavily.
I am thinking of them today. I am thinking of them as hard as I can.
I really will write about Christmas. Tomorrow. I promise.
But this, first:
“I held her close for only a short time, but after she was gone, I'd see her smile on the face of a perfect stranger and I knew she would be there with me all the rest of my days.”
― Brian Andreas, Strange Dreams - Collected Stories & Drawings
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